Packetts Art Prize

The winners of the first Packetts Insurance Brokers Art Prize are Michael Grant, Erin Pettit and Tom Ashurst.

Packetts has a long history with the Bradford Grammar school; Neville Packett first attended the school in 1930 and went on to continue supporting the school with his wife Audrey into their nineties and until they both recently died. Neville’s nephew, Andrew, was keen to continue supporting the school and suggested the Packetts Art Prize.

Winners of Packetts Art prize


Three individual pieces of art were selected from pieces all created this school year: the number and the quality of the pieces were staggering. The three winners visited the company’s offices to see their art work on display in the company’s board room and were each presented with Amazon vouchers worth £100. The pieces will remain on display until next year when they will be returned to their creators.

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